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Growing Dream… plants?!   1 comment


The key to successful indoor cannabis cultivation

is to understand how cannabis produces

food and grows. Cannabis, whether cultivated

indoors or out, has the same requirements for

growth. It needs light, air, water, nutrients, a

growing medium, and heat to manufacture food

and to grow. Without any one of these essentials,

growth stops and death soon results.

Indoors, the light must be of the proper spectrum

and intensity; air must be warm, arid, and

rich in carbon dioxide; water must be abundant

but not excessive, and the growing medium

must contain the proper levels of nutrients for

vigorous growth. When all these needs are met

consistently at optimum levels, optimum growth

is the result.

Cannabis is normally grown as an annual

plant, completing its life cycle within one year. A

Strong healthy ‘Chronic’ seeds from Serious Seeds

germinated after being soaked in water overnight.

Sweet Purple (Paradise) seedling shows perfect symmetrical

growth. Leaflets will increase from three to

as many as eleven during vegetative growth.

Strong healthy seedling emerges from a Jiffy™ cube.

The sprouted seed was carefully inserted into a hole

with the taproot pointing down.

seed that is planted in the spring will grow

strong and tall through the summer and flower

in the fall, producing more seeds. The annual

cycle starts all over again when the new seeds

sprout the following year. In nature, cannabis

goes through distinct growth stages. The chart

below delineates each stage of growth.

Life Cycle of Cannabis

After 3-7 days of germination, plants enter the

seedling growth stage which lasts about a

month. During the first growth stage the seed

germinates or sprouts, establishes a root system,

and grows a stem and a few leaves.


During germination moisture, heat, and air activate

hormones (cytokinins, gibberellins, and auxins)

within the durable outer coating of the seed.

Cytokinins signal more cells to form and gib3


This `Marley’s Collie’ (Sensi Seeds) is planted in a 5-

gallon (19L) bucket and was grown in a greenhouse.

MIDDLE: Strong healthy roots are vibrant white.

Feeder roots are fuzzy white. This

rooted clone is ready to transplant.

LEFT: Male pre-flowers (a small nub above the fourth

internode) develop on plants after about four weeks of

vegetative growth.

berellins to increase cell size. The embryo

expands, nourished by a supply of stored food

within the seed. Soon, the seed’s coating splits, a

rootlet grows downward, and a sprout with seed

leaves pushes upwards in search of light.

Seedling Growth

The single root from the seed grows down and

branches out, similar to the way the stem

branches up and out above ground. Tiny

rootlets draw in water and nutrients (chemical

substances needed for life). Roots also serve to

anchor a plant in the growing medium.

Seedling should receive 16-18 hours of light to

maintain strong healthy growth.

Vegetative Growth

Vegetative growth is maintained by giving

plants 16-24 hours of light every day. As the

plant matures, the roots take on specialized

functions. The center and old, mature portions

contain a water transport system and may also

store food. The tips of the roots produce elongating

cells that continue to push farther and farther

into the soil in search of more water and

food. The single-celled root hairs are the parts

of the root that actually absorb water and nutri4


This close-up shows female pre-flowers, white pistils

growing from newly formed green calyx. Female preflowers

usually sprout after male pre-flowers.

This large mother plant is growing in a 10-gallon (38 L)

container. She can provide more than a hundred

clones every month.

ents. Without water, frail root hairs will dry up

and die. They are very delicate and are easily

damaged by light, air, and klutzy hands if moved

or exposed. Extreme care must be exercised

during transplanting.

Like the roots, the stem grows through elongation,

also producing new buds along the stem.

The central or terminal bud carries growth

upward; side or lateral buds turn into branches

or leaves. The stem functions by transmitting

water and nutrients from the delicate root hairs

to the growing buds, leaves, and flowers. Sugars

and starches manufactured in the leaves are distributed

through the plant via the stem. This

fluid flow takes place near the surface of the

stem. If the stem is bound too tightly by string

or other tie downs, it will cut the flow of life-giving

fluids, thereby strangling and killing the

plant. The stem also supports the plant with stiff

cellulose, located within the inner walls.

Outdoors, rain and wind push a plant around,

causing much stiff cellulose production to keep

the plant supported upright. Indoors, with no

natural wind or rain present, stiff cellulose production

is minimal, so plants develop weak

stems and may need to be staked up, especially

during flowering.

Once the leaves expand, they start to manufacture

food (carbohydrates). Chlorophyll (the substance

that gives plants their green color) converts

carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air, water,

and light energy into carbohydrates and oxygen.

This process is called photosynthesis. It requires

water drawn up from the roots, through the

stem, into the leaves where it encounters carbon

dioxide. Tiny breathing pores called stomata are

located on the underside of the leaf and funnel

CO2 into contact with the water. In order for

photosynthesis to occur, the leaf’s interior tissue

must be kept moist. The stomata open and

close to regulate the flow of moisture, preventing

dehydration. Marijuana leaves are also protected

from drying out by an outer skin. The

stomata also permit the outflow of water vapor

and waste oxygen. The stomata are very important

to the plant’s well being and must be kept

Posted 25/04/2011 by de2ori in Anti, Crasma... Birt..., de 2 ori..., obliga-ma!

d`ale lor   Leave a comment

Un student se duce la cantina si singurul loc liber este langa un profesor. Neavand ce face, se aseaza acolo. Profesorul spune:
– Porcul nu-i este prieten porumbelului.
Studentul raspunde:
– Bine, atunci eu am zburat.
Enervat la culme, la examen, profesorul ii pune studentului cele mai grele intrebari, dar acesta raspunde la toate. In cele din urma, profesorul il intreaba:
– Vezi pe drum un sac de minte si unul de bani. Pe care il iei? – Pe cel cu bani. – Eu l-as lua pe cel cu minte.
-Elevul: Fiecare cu ce n-are… Profesorul, furios de-a dreptul, ii scrie pe lucrare “BOU”. Studentul merge la el si ii spune: – Domnule profesor, v-ati semnat, dar nu ati trecut nota!!

Posted 11/04/2011 by de2ori in Anti, PASTILE DE p(F)utut

Feis buc…   Leave a comment


Ion is in a relationship with Mărie.

Mărie is now in a relationship with Ion and other 26 people. (Popa Satului and other 24 people like this)

Mărie is attending the event “Mulsul vacii” (Vaca lui Mărie and Ion like this)

[Mărie is not really attending the event “Mulsul vacii“. She is actually attendingVasile in the barn. Ion comes to see Mărie attending the “Mulsul vacii” event and finds out what is she actually attending]

Ion is now single.

Ion was invited to join group “Beţivanii satului

Ion and other 20 people are attending the event “Beţie la crâşmă“. (Crâşmarul likes this)

Ion set his status to: “supărat sunt doamne, iarăşi supărat

Ion is now drunk and pissed on Mărie‘s Wall

Mărie finished attending Vasile.

Mărie set her status to: “Foarte obosită. Sper să mă pot trezi mâine să merg la biserică

Vasile commented to Mărie‘s status “Eu nici nu cred că vin. Poate duminica viitoare


Babele din sat are attending the event “Slujba de duminică” (Popa satuluiPărintele IosifCantoru’ and Clopotaru’ like this)

Beţivii satului missed the event “Slujba de duminică” because of it’s interference with the event “Beţia de duminică” (The Devil 666 Satana likes this)

Popa satului and Popa Porno are now friends (The Devil 666 Satana andClopotaru’ like this)


Mărie set her status to: “La spovedit…

Ion commented on Mărie‘s status: “Ce-i Mărie, te-o prins rusinea?

Mărie also commented on her status: “Taci , Ioane că eşti prost

Popa satului also commented on Mărie‘s status:” :)) :))” (Primarul satului likes this..)

Vaca lu’ Mărie set her status to “Muuuuuuuuuu…

Mărie commented to Vaca lu’ Mărie status: “Ioi ce proastă îs, am uitat să te mulg. După spovedit vin şi la tine. Paşte până atunci” (Vaca lu’ Mărie likes this.)

Primarul satului added “şpagă” and “corruption” to his activities (Popa satului likes this)

Şefu de Post set his status to: “La primărie, la o vorbă cu primarul

Primarul satului is now attending “Puşcăria“.(Bebiţă săpunaru’ and all his friends like this)


Mărie set her status to “Watching “fermier caut mireasă”, so fuck off

Vaca lu’ Mărie exploded. (Ion likes this)

Mărie commented: “vaaaaiii…o murit vaca…am uitat s-o mulg…mă omoară tata când se întoarce de la crâşmă

Popa satului also commented: “super, încă o înmormântare pe săptămâna asta” (Cantoru’ and Popa Porno likes this)

Popa satului added “Praying” and “Porn” to his activities (Popa Porno andPărintele Iosif like this)

Popa satuluiPărintele Iosif and Clopotaru’ are now in a relationship and it’s complicated. (The Devil 666 Satana likes this)


Popa satului set his status to “Zi de post, fiilor” (Babele satului like this; Beţivii satului dislike this)

Tata lu Mărie posted on Mărie‘s Wall: “Ce ai făcut cu vaca? Te omor

Tata lu Mărie killed Mărie. (Ion and Popa Satului likes this. Vasile and other 25 people dislike this)

Tata lu Mărie is now attending “Puşcăria” along with Primarul Satului

Mărie is attending Hell (The Devil 666 SatanaHitlerStalinSaddam Hussein and other 75 bilion dead people like this)

Vaca lu’ Mărie is attending Heaven (Saint Peter likes this)

bai psychomnia

Posted 19/03/2011 by de2ori in Anti, oaia ROZ, PASTILE DE p(F)utut

Examen, nu glume de birt…   Leave a comment

Perle examen:

an fac. 2010 – 2011

don`soara este anul 2 la istorie

I: Cine a fost Papa Ioan Paul al II – lea?

R: Personaj al literaturii contemporane.

I2: Diferenta dintre rau si lac?

R2: Lacul curge, raul sta.

Reactia profului… bravo fata 5… (doar sa nu te vad la restante)

Freaky freaks freaking   Leave a comment

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Posted 28/02/2011 by de2ori in Anti, auzi la ei... nu conteaza ce, oaia ROZ